
We connect like-minded teachers and families interested in starting a microschool.
What is a microschool? A teaching environment with one teacher and 10 students.
Imagine a teaching experience that frees you from administration, pays you better, and offers a more flexible schedule with fewer students! Join our waitlist today!

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What teachers are saying

"In a microschool, the freedom from administrative overhead has allowed me to direct all my energy where it belongs: crafting personalized educational experiences that make a lasting impact on my students."

"I was nervous to teach in a microschool but as soon as day one completed, I knew that I found my passion again. I have a new energy for teaching that faded after years at a public school."

"I spent 20 years at a traditional school. Moving to a microschool could not have been a better decision."


A growing number of teachers have made the decision to transition from traditional schooling to microschools, or other forms of alternative schooling. The allure lies in the opportunity to reclaim their role as true teachers, focusing on what matters most: teaching. If traditional teaching roles are leaving you unfulfilled, perhaps its time to take the leap to microschooling and experience:


Microschooling fosters a close-knit community

Competitive Salary

Salaries to attract and retain talented teachers


No longer deal with administrative bureaucracy

Smaller Class Sizes

You truly get to know each student as an individual


We recognize the challenges families face with standardized education. Education should foster intellectual growth, not push ideologies. If you are getting tired of lessening student expectations with traditional schools, you might be ready to host a microschool.

Here's what to expect:

Aligned Values

You choose who gets to join your microschool

Enhanced Safety

Smaller settings mean fewer safety concerns


Set your own vacation schedules and weeks off

Sense of Autonomy

Teachers gain more freedom in the curriculum


Children are able to build deeper connections

Why join

Teachers in microschools relish the freedom to teach a curriculum of their choice, and there are many to choose from. TeacherMatch provides matching services and resources to get started.

Imagine stepping into a classroom with fewer than ten students coming from three to four families in your community and getting to work with those same students every year!

With smaller class sizes, teachers can provide more hands-on attention and support, nurturing strong bonds while the children learn to work together in a small group.

Microschools prioritize the overall well-being of teachers. The reduced administrative burden allows teachers to focus more on teaching and nurturing students, enhancing their job satisfaction. Teachers can break free from traditional administrative bloat like fundraisers, after-school observations, staff meetings, and pick up traffic. Microschools offer better schedules that align with work-life needs. Alongside flexible schedules, microschools provide competitive benefits packages, ensuring that teachers are valued and their well-being taken care of.

TeacherMatch helps you get started on the microschool path by connecting you to like-minded families, curriculum, contract models and schedules.


Is committed to connecting like-minded teachers and families ready to start a microschool. Join the waitlist and be part of a community that celebrates your passion and dedication.

Let’s chat to see if we’re a great fit!
